The UK & Ireland's first comedy literary prize dedicated to celebrating witty women's writing
Calling all you lovers and practitioners of comedic literature
As we forge ahead to the CWIP 2024/25 prize (yes, we are forging) do enjoy these
and if you can spare a fiver, we won't say no
either way - we are prepping and suggest that you do the same…
the prize
having achieved so much excitement in its fourth year CWIP is gearing up for 2024/25
Comedy Women In Print is the brainchild of comedian, author, actress Helen Lederer. Its aim is to recognise, celebrate and encourage witty women authors. We’ve created a platform for both aspiring and established witty writers. CWIP not only offers a publishing deal with Harper fiction to a NEW witty writer, but it also gives mega publicity and respect to the BEST funny fiction around.
The Published Novel Winner gets a massive amount of love from clever, celebrity judges and a stonking cash prize.
The Unpublished Novel Winner is published by Harper Collins and receives an advance and huge attention. The Unpublished runner upper's win a place on an MA in Creative Writing at the University of Hertfordshire and an MA in Comedy at Falmouth University.
The Short Story Winner and Shortlisted entries appear in an anthology of witty women’s writing called, rather boldly, ‘The Book of Witty Women’, published by Farrago and showcased in the company of CWIP’s much loved witty authors who also happen to be our best-selling, best loved, besties.
Oh, and since you are one of the wittiest writers we've ever met - might you extend some love to our social media and even more wittily, here, to help us continue to do things and make things happen. We can’t do it without you because, quite frankly, ‘Wit has truth in it’ - Dorothy Parker.
Dates for your Diary...
We are currently marching towards the 2024/25 prize and intend to announce dates later this year so we can continue in a bi-annual, warmly witty, and seemly manner.
So do please keep an eye on our website, socials, and newsletter for updates.
In fact, as you are here, why not get a free adrenaline rush and sign up.