Privacy &
Data Policy

The important bit...

Get yourself comfy…play some whale music?
Privacy policy for Comedy Women in Print
Comedy Women in Print is a registered limited company (company number is 9985372). This policy sets out information relating to the personal data collected about you if you use this website and if you enter the Comedy Women in Print Prize.
How and why your data is collected
When you use this website only limited data about you is collected by Comedy Women in Print as explained below. Data is also collected from you in circumstances where you enter the prize, subscribe for updates or use the ‘Contact Us’ form (in particular, the details provided by you will be stored in a WIX database and some information is then stored and processed in Google Drive).
A Cookie can be defined as a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website.
We use cookies on our website to provide our services and track visits to our site. A ‘Cookie Alert banner’ will appear the first time that you enter the site.
Accuracy of your data
The data about you we receive from any entry or donation will only be as accurate as that entered by you. Please ensure your information is correct and up-to-date.
The data stored from your entry or donation form will be as you have entered it.
If you become aware that you have submitted inaccurate personal data please use the website’s email address to let us know.
How long your data is held
Comedy Women in Print will hold your personal data for the duration of the prize processing timeline for the year you have entered and for a period of up to three years after the winners event to support the promotion of future prizes. After this time your personal data will be destroyed with the exception of the details of the winners, shortlisted, and longlisted entries whose information will be displayed on the website (Author Name and Title of Novel only).
Obtaining a copy of your data or contacting us about the processing of your data
To obtain a copy of the data that the Comedy Women in Print holds about you, please use the hello@comedywomeninprint.co.uk email address and clearly state that you are making a ‘Subject Access Request’.
An administration fee of up to £10 may be charged in order to service your request.
If you have any other query relating to the processing of your data please ensure you have read this Policy fully and then if you require further information please use the email address on the website to make your request.
Sharing your data and marketing
Comedy Women in Print does not pass on your details for marketing purposes to any third party. Your information will be passed on to judges. Judges will receive different information depending on whether the entries are made via the published authors, unpublished authors, or short story authors route. Longlisted, shortlisted and winners names and titles of their novel will be published on the comedywomeninprint.co.uk website and in a press release that will be shared to media.
Sharing your data: Published Authors
Judges will receive a copy of your book.
Sharing your data: Unpublished Authors
Judges will receive an electronic copy of the file you uploaded and your entry number, which is automatically created by the database. In the initial judging round of the unpublished prize, to formulate the longlist, entries are all judged blind.
If longlisted, authors will be asked to supply their completed manuscripts. The manuscript will be forwarded to the judges.
Sharing your data: Short Story Authors
Judges will receive an electronic copy of the manuscript file you uploaded and your entry number, which is automatically created by the database. In the initial judging round of the short story prize, to formulate the longlist, entries are all judged blind.
Comedy Women in Print will hold personal data in a secure database. Personal data will not be extracted for reporting purposes with the following exception of data required to process longlisted, shortlisted and winning entries.