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‘Snorting Tea’ witty writing method works for CWIP Runner up Hannah Dolby


What inspired you to enter CWIP?

For many years I was aiming to be a dark and tortured writer because I thought it was what the world wanted. The CWIP Prize was a lightbulb moment when I realised that what people really need is high-quality silliness. I want to make people snort tea out of their noses and give a small unexpected burp while laughing too much. Once I knew that, the writing flew.

Can you tell us about your prize?

I won runner-up, which means I got a place on an MA in Comedy Writing at Falmouth University, which I start in May. Such an exciting prize. I'm excited and terrified.

Could you please indulge us and tell us where you keep your trophy?

It sits on my Bookcase of Writing Joy, next to a book on ‘Sex Tips from 1894’: a very appropriate place for the award.

What difference has being a runner-up made to you?

Being a runner-up has changed my life – not only the MA but I've now got an agent in the brilliant Diana Beaumont at Marjacq Scripts and am hoping my book will be published one day. It's proved all the years I spent cracking bad jokes to friends and family were not wasted. I'm thinking of charging them 50p a joke going forward.

What advice would you give to budding witty writers?

It is so lovely to recognise the freedom and joy in comedy writing – it is setting free the child in you who used to run around the playground screaming for no reason but fun. Yes, you can edit later on, but just let all the words out first, and enjoy writing.

Can you sum up the CWIP experience in three words?

As funny as splash of bubbly down your cleavage.

Oh – three words? Inspirational, brilliant, life-changing.

Hannah's award

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