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Furry brain syndrome is OK

Attached is see some trick writing (could be Latin or Esperanto?) but this is just to reassure you that ‘furry’ wording and thinking is fine, and can happen to us all - particularly in the middle of running a prize and all the excitement of making things happen smoothly. Or indeed happen. Panicking is normal. In fact, my hysteria is palpable on Witty Wednesdays when the sighting of another author at 7 o’clock is such a relief, I almost forget to ask any searing questions. It’s been exhilarating, with only a bit of sticky spilt cava on my desk as a writerly reminder of WW fun – luckily, another series will start soon. And in the guise of school assembly notices, may I also be the first to share that the (almost global but not quite) blog tour for the winner of the very grand sounding ‘2019 inaugural CWIP Unpublished Novel Prize’ – Kirsty Eyre’s debut novel Cow Girl – starts its journey here, on Sunday . Even more news: I have given Kirsty the keys to CWIP Instagram Witty Wednesday to host her own Live launch – except it’s on a Thursday , 25 June. Let’s hope she doesn’t wreck the place with all her young mates. In fact, I’ll be turning up to check she’s got bin bags…see you there at 7pm. Meanwhile a moment of respect and awe to these amazing Witty Wednesday authors. I loved having them in my face on Instagram: Abigail Mann (author of The Lonely Fajita and a CWIP Runner-up) was wonderfully inspiring (pity I had my face sideways on).  Witty Wednesday s were her idea - Thank you, Abigail. Beth O’Leary ( The Flatshare ) was hilarious and insightful all at once. Michelle Gallen ( Big Girl Small Town ) was mesmerising and ground-breaking.  Lucy Vine ( Are We Nearly There Yet? ) was wonderful - 30 minutes with Lucy is not enough. She rocks. Kate Weston ( Diary of a Confused Feminist) was fascinating, cool and brilliant.  Olga Wojtas ( Miss Blaine’s Prefect and the Vampire Menace) was a delightful and clever champion of good writing.  Kirsty Eyre ( Cow Girl and CWIP’s first unpublished winner) was heartening and inspiring.  Angela Makhowla ( The Blessed Girl) was r evelatory, fascinating, and thought-provoking. Emma Kennedy (The Tent, the Bucket and Me ) was funny, clever, passionate and thank goodness she is a judge.  If you missed any one or more of these Witty Wednesdays, they're all currently available to view through our website here: Witty Wednesdays with some episodes also available on IGTV

Furry brain syndrome is OK
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