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  • Writer's pictureHelen Lederer

Boasting CWIP (even though boasting is discouraged in wider society)


So as we get busy with the new website and making sure the entry system actually effing works for CWIP 2020  (which I can’t join in with, because I’m an ‘artist’  and artists have to eat chocolate late at night and moan about their agents … because that is what you DO…) - a bit of boasting is necessary and all together far more agreeable. 

In just one-year CWIP has some offspring. Yes, one has become a parent. Furthermore, CWIP can now boast MORE than one witty writer who have since won books deals, got agents and general literary career furthering. Proud? I’ve gone red.  Here are some teasers from winners – My photo album is yours and may it grow fatter….   

Winner of CWIP Published funny novel 2019

The Exact Opposite of OK by Laura Steven.  'Ever since my name was announced, my confidence has grown hugely. I'm taking more risks in my work, telling weirder jokes, pushing myself to find new voices and new perspectives to mine for comedy. As a result, a new project of mine has recently been picked up for the screen (more details soon!), which is bonkers and amazing. To say CWIP changed my career is a massive understatement.'

Highly Commended winner of CWIP published funny novel 2019

Killing It by Asia Mackay.  'Being at an event with so many great funny women and having my debut book Killing It be Exceptionally Recognised by such revered judges, really did make for one hell of an unbelievable night. The free-flowing gin, the fan-girling at idols and the general joy of women supporting women; there was a lot to love and be thankful to the almighty CWIP founder Helen Lederer for. (HL I kept this bit in sos_) 

'My second book The Nursery (a follow-up to Killing It) is now out and was named by The Telegraph in their roundup of best thrillers of 2019 - Whilst not high-fiving myself over this achievement I am not-so-patiently waiting for the Killing It movie to make it to our screens and writing Book 3. I remain very grateful and honoured at my recognition from CWIP.'

Winner of CWIP Unpublished funny novel 2019 Cow Girl by Kirsty Eyre

'You have done so much for comedy writers like me (that’s the first time I’ve classed myself as a comedy writer as I’ve been told not to by big literary agencies, but now feel legitimised) in terms of providing a platform to get us noticed. You have helped me get an agent and given me an unbelievably fantastic launch pad, beyond my wildest dreams.

You have changed people’s lives, mine in particular. Thank you. I think you may just have built a legacy.  Love, hugs and eternal gratitude.’  (HL BTW Cow Girl is going to be celebrated in PRINT at CWIP 2020 in July)

Runner up of CWIP Unpublished Funny Novel The Lonely Fajita by Abigail Mann

'The support from Helen, the judges, and members of the CWIP community gave me confidence to view myself as part of the comedy scene at times when I was reluctant to. When I was shortlisted, I was contacted by an agent who liked the sound of my novel, and within a few weeks I had signed with Hayley Steed at Madeleine Milburn.

'As of now, The Lonely Fajita has gone through three more drafts and recently I signed a two-book deal with One More Chapter / HarperCollins. I'm currently working on edits with my amazing editor, Tilda McDonald, in preparation for a Summer 2020 publication date - a truly 'pinch me!' moment!

'Again, I wanted to say a huge thank you. I’m under no illusion that the progress I’ve made in the past few months owes Helen and CWIP a large glass of wine or two (or three or four).' (HL this is particularly amazing and a source of pride - I may have to buy a hat)

Shortlisted CWIP Unpublished Funny Novel 2019 The Ladies' Guide to Finding Love by Helen Doyle  

'Being long-listed, and then short-listed, for the CWIP prize with my resulting novel, The Ladies’ Guide To Finding Love, was incredibly galvanising and encouraging. Being interviewed by Lilley Mitchell for BBC local radio was a particular highlight. The prize evening was brilliant, even without the prize! It was great to meet Helen Lederer, (HL I left that in also) the whole CWIP team, and the other finalists.  I have, in fact, experienced a sense of generosity and care about the whole CWIP process which has continued in the form of support and encouragement after the actual prize was awarded. Most importantly, however, I am continuing to write, write, write every spare minute I get.'

Longlisted CWIP Unpublished funny novel 2019  ‘TEFLand’ by Catherine Higgins-Moore

‘Since the longlisting of my novel TEFLland I've been highly commended in the Poetry London Clore Prize which came with a lovely £500 prize. (HL blimey that’s good – right well, I’ll have to beg some more dosh for us then)  I have also produced and directed the world premiere of my play The Maternity Monologues in New York. The script was commended by BBC in 2018. I look forward to the 2020 CWIP and am working on something I hope will tickle the judges' funny bones again.’

So dear Reader  - My doors are officially  open …..can’t wait to see more witty authors - showcased by publishers and authors alike – get in!  CWIP 2020

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